17-18 May 2025 Midpines, CA (United States)

The second annual(ish) UC Merced Workshop in Science, Values, and Policy will take place at the Yosemite Bug Resort in Midpines, California, on May 17-18, 2025.  
The workshop uses a draft feedback format:  Participants will prepare and circulate drafts about two weeks before the workshop (extended abstracts through full papers), and prepare comments on two other drafts.  At the workshop, each draft will have a designated session including a brief summary by the author, presentation of prepared comments, and discussion by the whole group.  The workshop will include an excursion to Yosemite National Park on the afternoon of May 18th.  
To facilitate this format, a maximum of 10 contributions will be accepted.  If more than 10 submissions are received, contributions will be selected to balance for career stage and discipline.  


Contributions are welcome for any topic under the heading of "science, values and policy," broadly construed.  In particular, contributions are welcome from scholars in philosophy of science, history of science, science and technology studies, science communication, and related areas.  


The Yosemite Bug Resort is in Midpines, California, a small community in the Sierra Nevada foothills about an hour from Yosemite National Park.

Please note: The venue is not readily accessible by public transit, and is several hours by car from the nearest airport. 


The organizer will cover meals at the Yosemite Bug Resort for all participants (dinner May 16th through breakfast May 19th).  Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options will be available at all meals.  Lodging in a shared, dorm-style space will be covered by the organizer; private rooms are also available, but not covered by the organizer.  There is no registration fee. 

Submission Instructions

In the upper right, create a sciencesconf.org account if necessary, and log in.

Click New Submission at the top of this page to start your submission.

Enter the title and abstract (approx. 100-150 words) for your paper/project. Under Topic, select one or more disciplines for the perspective of your project. ("Other disciplinary perspective" might not be visible until you scroll down.) Under Comment, indicate the career stage of the lead author(s): graduate student, lecturer/term-limited faculty, tenured faculty, etc.

On the next step, provide information for all authors, and an affiliation for at least the lead author.

Review your submission and submit.



January 15: Submissions close

February 16: Notification of acceptance

May 2: Circulation of drafts

May 16: Arrival

May 17-18: Workshop

May 18-19: Departure


Dan Hicks, UC Merced

Cosmo Campbell, UC Merced

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